" A Great Adventure " Amazon Ebook
" Sharing Good Thoughts " Amazon Ebook
Dolphin friends of Master Toledo splash him for fun at Sea Life Park in Honolulu, Hawaii.
This Video was played on National T.V. ,America's Funniest Video.
"White Bird" is a Original Song written and played by Master Toledo.
Fun and Laughter is Good for the Soul !
Master Toledo has been into Hypnosis since 1967. In 1995 he was Licensed as a "Certified Hypnotherapist".
Master Toledo is a "Qigong Master" of Energy Healing. His Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy is his own Creation of Embedding the "Chi" Energy of his Voice into the CD's. This Formula is more Powerful and Effective in Results!
Hypnosis is the "Art of Relaxation". It is a Process that Connects Your Subconscious Mind with your Conscious Mind. It is proven Man has a "Conscious" and a "Subconscious Mind". Everything We "Say and Do" are because of our Conscious Mind. Subconscious Mind Controls the Conscious Mind. Change the Subconscious Mind and your Conscious Mind will change! A example of Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind is an Iceberg in the Ocean. The Top of the Iceberg above the water is The Conscious Mind. The Bottom of the Iceberg below the water is The Subconscious Mind. The Bottom of the Iceberg is larger and More Powerful than the Top of the Iceberg. Atomic and Subatomic Particle is another example. Sub atomic is always more Powerful than Atomic. Conscious Mind is the Atomic. Subconscious Mind is the Subatomic.
By Programming your Subconscious Mind using Hypnosis, Talking to your Inner Self, you will change your Conscious Mind. When you change your Conscious Mind, all you "Say and Do" will change. This is how Hypnosis works. Like Programming a Computer. Hypnosis is Self Improvement!!
Hypnosis is the Twilight before Sleep. An example of where Hypnosis is: You are really tired and rest your head in the palm of your hand with your elbow on the table. You doze off for a split second and catch Yourself and before your head falls off your hand, you are in the same position. You were not really Asleep or Awake in that split second, that is where Hypnosis is. Scientist have proven the Brain has Brain Waves. These Brain Waves can be seen on a computer. There are 4 types of Brain Waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta When under Hypnosis, you are in Theta Brain Wave. Hypnosis is Therapeutic. In the past, Hypnosis was used to Control Minds in Stage Shows. In Modern Times, it is used for Health. Very effective, that is what I use it for.
- 1) Stage Hypnosis- Hypnotize people to do silly things on stage.
- 2) Dentistry/Childbirth-used when Pain Medication cannot be used.
- 3) Open Heart Surgery-Patient listens to Hypnosis Relaxation Tape before the Operation. During recovery period, Patient listens to Hypnosis Relaxation Tape every day for Faster Recovery. Of Control group of 30 Patients, the 15 who listened to the Hypnosis Relaxation Tape Recovered 15% Faster. (20/20 Television Special)***
- 4) "Stress Reduction"-for Trauma Crises Patients.
- 5) Insomnia- Helps people who cannot Sleep at night.
- 6) Quit Smoking-Using Hypnosis will work. Commitment is Critical.
- 7) Pain Control-Hypnosis will Neutralize the Pain.
- 8) Self Hypnosis-Using Hypnosis for "Self lmprovement"_Reprograming your Subconscious Mind how you want to be. You can change all your Negative Habits. You can Quit Drugs, Create a Positive Mental Attitude, Create Self Confidence, Focus better. Any thing in your Life you want changed, you can Attain using "Self Hypnosis"!
- 9) Hypnotherapy-Finding out the Root of the Problem, than using Hypnosis to change the Thought Process that caused the Problem . There are 129 Medical Schools is U.S.A. Twenty One of these Medical Schools have "Hypnosis" as part of it's System. (20/20 Television Special)
- See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis Heals
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Trich Therapy NEW!
This Therapy is designed to give you "Trigger Words" to use daily
to stop the "Urge" to pull when you go into the Zone.
You will be Programming Yourself using these words to bring you a sense of "Peace" within, and also to stop the "Reflex Action" of pulling!
Research Universities have Proven, that by using Hypnosis, you can stop "All Pain" in the Mother during Childbirth.
That shows you how Powerful Hypnosis is in the Medical Field. Your "Trigger Words" will stop the "Urge" to pull, the same as "No Pain" during Childbirth.
It works, because this is the same Therapy I use with my Private Clients! I want to help those who are not into Private Sessions, so I created this Therapy for you. This CD is worth 100 times its value.
The "Energy Hypnosis" will bring you the "Clarity of Thought"
of what could be the Reason why you pull. The Past causes your Future behaviors. To change the Future you must face your Past, and when you do, your Behavior changes.
I will help you and support you in this CD, so you are not Alone in our Therapy.
You may ask, how is this possible with a CD?
Anything is possible " If You Believe ".
Stress Reduction Treatment

You will have a Inner Calmness and Peace using the CD nightly, and your Thoughts and decisions you make, will be Clear all day. Your Emotions will be Balanced, and you will have a sense of Self Control !
Stress and Anxiety is built up from the events in the " Wheel of Life ". Stress is part of Life... Boiling water in a Teapot turns into Steam. If you block the Teapot hole, it will rattle on the stove and eventually something will break. So as with Stress and Anxiety!
Stress is the " Root of all Illness " and the main cause of Cancer! This CD will " Release " the Steam ( Stress ) of your Life and bring you Balance and Peace!
Visit our Stress Reduction page
Try our Free stress reduction
See the free Stress Reduction Workshop
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Weight Loss

Master Toledo lost 48 pounds and 6 inches off his waist using his own Formula of Weight Loss! He never gained the weight back.
This CD is very Powerful! It will give you the "Strength" to Control "What you Eat, and How you Eat"!
The "Chi" Energy in the CD gives you the "Power" you need!
All the Reasons why People overeat and Gain Weight is Addressed.
Your "Subconscious Mind" will be Programmed so now you have the "Power of Control" of your Eating Habits.
It Works!
See how Hypnosis works in our Free Self Hypnosis Workshop Video
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Quit Smoking
Master Toledo smoked 2 packs of Cigarettes a day for 17 years. He decided to Quit for Health Reasons. His last Cigarette was in 1981.
The Reason you smoke is you have a "Desire" for Nicotine in your Mind and Body. Why you smoke has created this "Desire" for Nicotine. This Powerful CD will take away the "Desire" for Nicotine from your Mind and Body.
It is that Simple!
Now you no longer have the "Desire" to smoke.
Quit now for your Health and save yourself Thousands of Dollars this year!
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Learn Self Hypnosis
Learn the Art of "Self Hypnosis"! Learn how to Hypnotize yourself and Program your "Inner Self" to change your Behavior in Life. You can change anything thru Hypnotic Programming. Give yourself Energy when you need it, Quit bad habits. Anything.
Self Hypnosis is Self Growth.
This CD teaches Hypnosis Techniques to bring you into your "Subconscious Mind".
You have a Conscious and Subconscious Mind.
When you change your Subconscious Mind using Hypnosis, your Conscious Mind must change.
This is a "Law of Nature"!
I also recommend the "Stress Reduction Treatment" CD for going into Deepest Trance...
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis Heals
See our Free Workshop video on Letting Go
Try our Free stress reduction
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
This CD is designed for those who have Insomnia.
When you cannot Sleep, play this CD.
We recommend the "Stress Reduction Treatment" CD if Sleep is a problem because Stress caused Insomnia.
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis Heals
See the free Stress Reduction Workshop
Try our Free stress reduction
Learn about our Stress Reduction cd
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Ascension Breathing
This CD is a 57-minute Meditation using the "Violet Flame" Energy of the Universe. It is an Ancient "Tibetan Secret" only the High Lamas in Tibet practice to Attain Enlightenment! It is a Closed Door Secret. We are Opening this up to the World...
The "Violet Sun" and the "Violet Flame" Visualizations are used.
These Energies will Purify your Body and raise your Vibration to a Higher Frequency that results in Good Health and Higher Levels of Consciousness to Enlightenment if practiced diligently.
Master Toledo's voice will walk you thru the Meditation.
His Energy will be Transmitted to you thru his Voice so you can Experience the "Violet Flame" Transmission.
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2
Open the 7 Charkas

Your Body has 7 Energetic Openings or 7 Charkas.
Your Life Force of "Chi" Flows thru these 7 Openings for Balance and Health.
Some Events is the "Wheel of Life" can cause Blocks in your Energetic Openings.
Just as kinks in a water hose slows down the flow of water, when you unkink the water hose, the water flows smoothly again.
Master Toledo's Energy thru the Voice will "Flush out" the Blockages of your 7 Charkas.
Now your Life Force of "Chi" Flows Smoothly again and Balance and Health are attained.
You will be Aligned with the Universe!
See the free Chi Life Force Workshop video
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis
See the free Stress Reduction Workshop
This CD will help your Inner Self..Any disturbing thoughts that bother you will be closed down. You will be Programmed to have a Positive Attitude ! "A Good Day is a Day you Walk Above the Ground".
Your Focus and Concentration will be Strengthened. You will have more Energy is Life and in Work. The CD will bring you a Sense of Peace, Balance, and you will be Centered!
Your Thoughts will be Clear, and you will have Control of your Inner Self, Mind and Emotions.
See the free Letting Go Workshop video
See the free Attitude Workshop video
Try our Free stress reduction
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis Heals
See our Free Workshop video on Self Hypnosis